Thursday, February 6, 2014

Isla Del Sol

Mick’s birthday - he does have them in some great places!  The plan today was to take one of the many boats over to Isla del Sol, purportedly the creation site of the whole Inca thing, and the birthplace of The Sun in Inca mythology. There are several Inca ruins dotted about, and it is traversed from North to South by an amazing Inca Trail, still in impressive repair and regularly hiked by the travellers and tourists today.   It is a very beautiful island, a mix of bare rock, rough heath and arable land, interspersed with burros and sheep, and all with the sparkling turquoise of Lake Titikaka as backdrop.  We were soooo lucky to have a spectacular day, thought the chill East wind off the Andes kept the temp a moderate 14-15’.

We disembarked at the North end of the Island,

saw the important Inka sights

and then set off on the main reason d’etre for us, the Inka trail.  This turned out to be one of the most enjoyable hikes of my life, though we were lucky to pace it just right and arrive with 5 mins to spare before the boat home left from the south. 


As it was Mick’s birthday,  back at the hotel we celebrated with a local version of a Pisco Sour, followed by another trout supper at ‘our’ beach shack – this time a fish each, with chips and salad, as we had enjoyed the one before so much! 



And a glorious sunset to round off a great day, our last in this charming town and country, as tomorrow we leave for Puna in Peru – also on Lake Titikaka, about a three hour bus-ride away.  It really is a huuuuuge lake!  (165k long x 60k wide).

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